Warm Up to Grand Forks aims to help local business with recruitment. GGFYP members provide tours, answer questions, and offer an insider’s look into life in Greater Grand Forks.
According to Next Generation Consulting, 3 out of 4 under-28 year-old knowledge workers say that where they live is as important, or more important, than where they work. How do you attract a generation with a “live first, work second” ethic? By placing as much emphasis on quality of life as job creation. Companies are turning to their communities and asking for help providing workers with the amenities they want, or risk losing them.
Greater Grand Forks Young Professionals will assist local businesses by offering tours for prospective hires personalized based on their interests and highlighting what makes Grand Forks great. Warm Up to Grand Forks is available as a complimentary benefit in a number of our Sponsorship Levels and at a reasonable cost to other local businesses and organizations.

A collaborative effort between the Greater Grand Forks Young Professionals, UND Center for Community Engagement, and UND Career Services, the Internship Initiative promotes internships to both Grand Cities businesses and students alike. It includes:
- An annual seminar for any business or organization that may be interested in hosting an intern
- Printed materials to entice students to try an internship as part of their educational experience
- Brown bag lunch discussions with internship and co-op coordinators across UND’s campus

The Grow Grand Award is GGFYP’s annual award presented to regional employers who have demonstrated exceptional workplace opportunities and environments for young professionals to work and succeed.
Any business is eligible to apply. The Grow Grand Award is presented at GGFYP’s Annual Launch event in the spring.
Greater Grand Forks is made up of two cities joined by the Red River: Grand Forks and East Grand Forks. With a combined population of 64,000 the Grand Forks region is the cultural hub of North Dakota’s northeast corner.

Greater Grand Forks offers:
- A vibrant downtown with a fun nightlife, a variety of annual festivals, and various community gatherings that include art and wine walks, blues festivals, and a weekly Farmer’s Market;
- The Greenway, a 2,200-acre riverside park featuring bike paths, snowmobile trails, cross-country skiing, trails, disc golf and golf courses, a swimming pool, a dog park, and plenty of natural scenery;
- The state art museum, multiple art galleries and theatres, and a multi-purpose arts facility;
- Two arenas and the state’s premier conference center;
- The University of North Dakota and Northland Community & Technical College; and
- An international airport 3 miles from the Grand Forks city limits, as well as passenger rail service and easy access to major highway systems.

Career Services
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Area Organizations
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Local Calendars
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